Sonate pour violon, clarinette et piano (Trois petites filles). Inspired by three young girls at the composer’s parish church sisters, actually the work is a mischievous composition full of energy and joie de vivre. Each movement is dedicated to one of the three sisters, who were 12, 8, and 6, respectively, at the time of composition. The subtitles of the movements are, for Rosemarie, toujours active, jamais passive (always active, never passive in other words, she wont be still); for Brigid, elle marche pareille en beauté, â la nuit (she walks in beauty, like the night a quote from Byron); and for Martina, quand elle rit, le monde sembrase (when she laughs, the world is set ablaze).Pages: 35 pp. (piano pt.), 8 pp. (violin pt.), 8 pp. (clarinet pt.); 8½ x 11
Level: Advanced
Performance Time: App. 13 min.
A MIDI of this work can be heard at
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